
Arduino Uno İle Çift Kutup Yüzeyli Transistör Test Cihazı Tasarımı

ARDUINO UNO İLE ÇİFT KUTUP YÜZEYLİ TRANSİSTÖR TEST CİHAZI TASARIMI DESIGN OF BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR TESTING DEVICE WITH ARDUINO UNO ABSTRACT In this study, a bipolar junction transistor testing device was designed by using Arduino Uno. In the design, ohm's law has been used to calculate the current passing through the collector and base ends of the transistor. As the voltage on the resistors connected to the base and collector ends of the transistor is read through the analogue input channels of the Arduino Uno, the values ​​of the connected resistors are known and the base and collector currents are calculated and the hFE value of the transistor is calculated from the hFE = Ic / Ib formula. Based on this basis, mathematical calculations and logical comparisons are used to determine the transistor type and emitter, base, collector ends and display them on the LCD screen. Before the application, the prepared code and the circuit were tested by simulating the...